S U R V I V O R 

Episode 11 – What The Heck?  

Jeff: (Narrating) Previously on Survivor:
Now that  Dan has left the tribe, the alliances are shifting power. Will’s turnover from a week ago is still showing it’s power, but ties are weakening inside the loosely-knit group. Amanda’s attempts at turning Kevin, Lora and Dan failed, and the new alliance took home the win. The tribes split down old lines for a game of Underground Church, and Old Platz won, dining out on Hardee’s for a victory meal.  Will, whose fireworks were blazing to save him from the vote, burned everyone by winning immunity. Will worried of the vote earlier, but now was free to take on alliances and get rid of Dan.


Six are left.  Who will be voted out tonight?  

Theme Song  


. .

(It's still night.  Smallwood returns from Tribal Council. 

Will walks at the rear, looking very pleased.)

Will: Well, that went well. The opposition tried their best to get rid of us, but they weren’t very well organized. This is making for a very interesting game. I’m just glad that I was able to secure immunity for myself. It was a close race, but in the end we prevailed. I guess we’ll just have to see how it’ll play out in the next three days….

(The tribe enters the campsite)

Lora:  I can’t believe this! You’re not playing fair!
Will: Waddya mean, not playing fair? This is a game of strategy, and it appears that ours is working. I just wanted to have some fun with the game, and that’s what’s happening.


(Lora sighs heavily and walks to the shelter)

Amanda: She sure is steamed! I can’t believe all this has gotten her so angry.
Sylvia:  I’ll do my best to help things get better between those two.

(Survivors prepare for the night. Lora intentionally beds down on opposite side of shelter from Will.

The night passes restlessly for all except Kevin)


Amanda: (Narrating) Lora’s really angry about the vote last night.  She still thinks that Will’s turning on the alliance was unfair, and how he’s playing the game is too selfish, which isn’t too far-fetched.


(Amanda jogs into the woods.  Will takes no notice of her, continuing with his exercise regimen.

 The other survivors stumble out of the shelter and the camp comes alive.

Sylvia goes off to gather chickweed; Kevin goes with her.)

Sylvia: So, Kev-o, did you get a good night’s sleep?
Kevin: Yeah, it was okay. Hey, there’s a snake!


(Kevin chases the snake off into the bushes. Sylvia goes in after him)


Sylvia: Kevin? Be careful! It could be poisonous!

(Cut back to Amanda, who has found the apple tree)

Amanda: (cheerfully) Hi there, tree. Got anything better than chickweed to eat?


Tree: Um, sorry, they all got ruined by last night’s freeze.

Amanda: What? You can talk?
Tree: Um…you didn’t hear that.
Amanda: Oh, well, never mind then. No apples anymore, I guess.

. .
(Back at camp, Will and Kris tend to the fire, while Lora sits by looking glum)


Lora: You know, I’m getting pretty tired of eating all this chickweed all the time.

Will: I guess we’ll all have to just deal with it. Maybe today’s reward will be another big meal. Tell you what, if I win it, I’ll bring you along.

Lora:  I don’t need your handouts, Will. I can fend for myself.

Will: Sorry, I just thought I’d be nice. (muttering) It’s not like it’s the first time I was ever civil to you…


Lora: What did you say?
Will: Nothing.

Kris: (Narrating) I do not see that Lora really has any complaints against Will. She hasn’t been targeted, and if she keeps up her run on immunity, she might make it to the Final Four. I probably will not get that far in the game, unless our alliance holds. The future is looking promising, though. But honestly, has Will done anything in this game that should not be done?

(While chasing Kevin, Sylvia stumbles across Amanda)


Sylvia: Hey, have you seen Kevin?


Amanda: (pointing) Yes, he went that way. I think he was chasing a snake.


Sylvia: Thanks.


(She finds Kevin engaged in conversation with the tree)


Kevin: No way, buddy. Dodge Intrepid is way better than the Monte Carlo.


Tree: I’m sorry, I gotta disagree with you there. The Monte Carlo’s power-to-weight ratios are far superior to an Intrepid. But, it does pull more airfriction at high speeds.


Sylvia: Kevin, who are you talking to?


Kevin: There’s a really cool tree here that knows about everything!


Sylvia: Um…I think you need to come back to camp and eat something. Fast. You’re acting kinda weird.


(Amanda jogs back into camp and sits down near Kris.)

Amanda: Good morning. Chickweed again?


Kris: Afraid so. We are unable to locate any more substantial food source than grass.


Amanda: I’m sure we’ll live. What do you think today’s reward challenge will be? I hope it’s a food reward; I could use some real food again. That meal with Dan really whetted my appetite, though he proved to be lousy company.


Kris: Just guessing the fact that it was a week ago also helps empty your stomach a little?

(Sylvia and Kevin stumble back into camp)


Sylvia: I think we need to give Kevin here some rest and real food. I found him talking to a tree out there.


Lora: Well, he is a little strange, anyway.


Sylvia: Yeah, but not that strange.


Kevin: No, the tree really was talking to me! Amanda was there.


(Survivors look around – Amanda is nowhere to be seen)


Kris: Things are becoming rather unusual around here of late.


(After breakfast, the Survivors kick back for a short break.)


Lora: I’m going to check the mail. Will someone not Will go with me? Kris?


Kris: Certainly.


(Lora and Kris head off down the beach)


Kris:  Are you sure that your quarrel with Will is wise at this point in the game?
Lora: At this point, I don’t really care. I know I’m gone sometime, I just want to be heard.

Kris: A fair argument.
Lora: So, let’s see what’s on the agenda for today.

Kris: I approve.


Lora: Well, here’s what we’ve got. (Reading)  No bows will be used
                                                                              No guns will be shot
                                                                              But aim you must have
                                                                              To hit in the spot

                                                                              To put steel into cork
                                                                              Requires some skill
                                                                              If you win it you’ll earn
                                                                              A chance for a kill
Huh? What’s all that supposed to be?

(Lora and Kris return to camp with the instructions)

Will:  Okay, so we’ll be…what’s that say again?
Sylvia: Someone should find Amanda before we have to leave.
Kevin: She’s probably talking with that tree some more.
Sylvia: Kevin, can you show me this tree really quick?


Kevin: Sure, buddy.

(Sylvia walks into the woods, led by Kevin, to find Amanda and the talking tree.)

Kevin: Okay. I think he’s right over there.
Sylvia: Over there? Yeah, there’s Amanda.
Amanda: Oh, hey. Sorry I left. Had to clog the toilet again.
Kevin: Hey, Mr. Tree!
Sylvia: Did you really talk with that tree, Amanda?
Amanda: (guiltily) Huh? I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Sylvia: Well, anyway, we have to get back to camp. It’s about reward challenge time.
Amanda: (Sighs) Afraid so.


Kevin: See ya later, buddy.


Reward Challenge:  Fire at Will (not that Will!)

(Aerial shot of a clearing in the forest.  Close-ups of an odd-looking target and a basket full of large darts with multicolored feathering. The Survivors walk into the clearing and meet Jeff)

Jeff:  OK.  For today's reward challenge, you will be competing individually, with a bracketed system of elimination. Two pairs will battle, the third getting a by, then two, then one. The first two pairs, drawn at random, are Will and Kevin, and Kris and Sylvia. Amanda and Lora are the third pair.

Your goal today, to beat each other in a game of darts, Survivor style. To do this, you'll need to use precision aim and time management. In the qualifying rounds, each person in a pair has his own target, and gets as many throws as he or she needs to get a bullseye.


The first person from each pair to hit in the center goes on to the next round. In the final round, though, the Survivors get only three tries each, in alternating turns. Each throw will be scored by it’s location on the target, relative to the center, as in regular darts. The highest score after three shots wins. Now on to the reward.

The winning Survivor will be picked up at your beach by a small fishing trawler, and escorted to an island home, heated inside and furnished nicely with, among other things, a TV and Nintendo 64. You'll be allowed to eat whatever you find in the building, and play video games as much as you want. You’ll be brought back in the morning, after a good night’s sleep in one of the best Newfoundland hotels, refreshed and ready for at least 2 more days of Surviving. So, is everybody ready?

(The Survivors murmur "yes")

Jeff:  Will, Kevin, take your spots.  Wait for my go.

(The teams position themselves by their respective scales)

Jeff:  Survivors ready? (Doing the arm thing) Go!

(Will immediately starts leafing through his darts,

laying them out and straightening the feathers. Kevin drops his basket on the ground

 and starts making a little fence with his.


Will starts throwing his darts at the target in a well-aimed and thought-

out manner. His shots run fairly true.

Will: Almost in the center.
Kevin: Huh? Hey Will! Look, I made a pasture. Need cows.


(Will continues to toss his darts. A few stick close to the center. Soon, he goes and

pulls his darts out of the target to start over. Kevin walks around, looking for

rocks, and nearly gets hit by a dart.

Will: Watch out! Wouldn’t want you losing an eye out here.


Kevin: Thanks, buddy.

(After a few more throws, Will lands one right in the center.)

Will: Booyah!
Kevin:  Um, OK.

Jeff: Will, you’ve won the first round. You’re going to the finals, it seems. Kris, Sylvia, you’re up. Remember, the winner here must beat the winner of the Amanda/Lora match to make the finals.


(Sylvia and Kris each line up in front of their targets. Both inspect their

darts before throwing them. They both chuck their first at about the same time. Sylvia

sends hers flying at a slightly slower pace than Kris, who is soon out of darts.


Kris gathers is darts. No sooner has he pulled the last one than Sylvia gives a shout.)

Sylvia: I think I got it!

Jeff: OK, let me have a look at it.

. (Jeff strolls up to the target, a gleeful Sylvia and a

somewhat glum Kris following close behind.


Close shot of Sylvia’s center ring – the dart is just outside of the bulls-eye mark.


Sylvia gives a huge sigh and walks back to the line.)


Jeff: Sorry, but that doesn’t quite cut it.


Kris: Most unfortunate for you.
Sylvia: Yeah, but it was pretty close, though, huh?


(Kris starts throwing darts again. Soon, he’s landed one square in the center.)

Sylvia: Oh, you jerk!


Jeff: Kris, you move on to the next round. Sorry, Sylvia. Better luck next time.


Sylvia: It won’t need to be much better.


Jeff: Amanda, Lora, it’s your turn to shoot.

(Amanda and Lora step up to the line and start chucking darts at the target.


Several of Lora’s land close to the center, but within a few throws, Amanda lands a dart in the center.)


Amanda:  Yes!
Jeff:  Amanda's got it, in record time!


Lora: Aargh!


Jeff: Okay, Survivors. Now Amanda and Kris step on up to see who gets in the finals.

(Amanda and Kris stroll to over to toe the line, and start checking their darts.)


Kris: You’re going down, girl.
Amanda: We’ll see about that.

Jeff: Go!


(Amanda starts throwing darts smoothly, with great care. Kris grabs and throws with no real aim, as fast as he can. Several of Amanda’s darts stick close to home, but a few of Kris’ land center as well. After about 30 seconds, Kris must retrieve his darts, while Amanda still holds half of hers.


Kris returns to the line and starts throwing fast again, and within

 a couple of shots, has landed one in the red zone.


Kris: I do not mean to sound rude, but as they say, “I toldya so!”


Amanda: Yeah, you got me.


Jeff: We have a winner. Kris, you will face Will in the finals.


Lora: Where’s Kevin?

(Kevin's wandered into the woods, far away from the challenge)


Kevin:  Rocks, rocks...

(Pan back over to the clearing. Will and Kris are poised at the line, facing the same target.

Will rears back to throw, but waits for Jeff’s go-ahead.


So, do I get to go, Anal?


Jeff: Please don’t call me that. And yes, you may go.


(Will throws his dart with amazing skill, easily landing it two rings out from the center.)


Jeff: Worth 4 points, Will. Kris, your throw.  

(Kris steps forward and tosses his dart. It lands just inside the line on the first ring out.)

Jeff: 8 points. Well done. Will?
Will: Ready as ever, Probst.

(Like Kris, Will takes careful aim and lands one just outside of the center ring.)

Will: How do ya like that?


Kris: Not too shabby, I might say.


(Kris steps up and lobs his own dart, but it goes awry and lands three rings out.)

Jeff:  Sorry, Kris. Your total is now only 10, 2 behind big Willy. This is it, guys, the last round. This determines who wins the reward, and who eats grass for supper.


(Will toes the line, an anxious and prepared look on his face. He rears back and lobs a beauty

barely half an inch outside the middle. Will goes back to the group, slapping high fives,

looking very confident.)

Jeff:  Will! Your total is now 20 points. Kris, only a bullseye can beat Will right now.


(Kris takes a deep breath, aims, and throws his dart. Dead center.)

Kris: Huh? Most exciting!


Jeff:  Nice work, Kris. Well-earned. I guarantee tonight's gonna be great for you, and whoever you decide to bring along. You didn’t think that we’d make you play video games all by yourself, now did you? Okay, Kris, who will you bring along with you?


Kris: Well, I suppose I should bring Amanda, as a compensation for defeating her skill in the second round.


Jeff: Okay, off you go. The boat will be waiting for you on the beach. As for the rest of the Survivors, you need to go back to camp.


Will: (sorely) Sure thing, Anal.

(Kris gives Amanda a high five.  After locating Kevin, the Survivors exit)



(The tribe goes about their business, each silently angry that they’re left at camp.)


Will: (Narrating) I wonder about Kris. Taking Amanda on a reward like that is somewhat odd. Maybe he thought she was a worthy opponent on the games. I hope he isn’t turning on us.
Lora: I can’t believe I lost. I play darts all the time. Just last year I played darts with my cousin.
Sylvia: Yeah. I’m not usually that bad myself. But I must say, Amanda sure looked like she knew what she was doing. I think Kris was right in taking her along, she deserved to go.


Will: I don’t know, she just had a good meal two episodes ago. I think it’s someone else’s turn.


Sylvia: (Narrating) While Kevin’s out wandering, I plan to use the opportunity of no one being around to see if I can help patch things up between Will and Lora. I really don’t like how they’re still at odds like that. I think they still have feelings for each other in there. Somewhere.

Sylvia: Hey Lora! Will, Come here for a minute.


Lora: What do you want?
Will: Coming. .


(Suddenly, Kevin runs into camp with his pants off and wrapped around a small, quivering object.)

Kevin: (Narrating) Hey, buddy.  After the challenge, I was walkin’ around in the woods and I saw this squirrel. I went over to it and it just stood there. It let me come up and touch it, and so I brought it back to camp.


(Kevin opens up his pants and the squirrel jumps out at Lora.)


Lora: Aaah! Get it off of me!
Kevin: (falling over) Ha ha ha!

(Lora bolts across camp, chased by the squirrel, with Sylvia and Will close behind. )

Lora: Help!

(Will grabs a stick and runs the other way. He meets Lora and the

squirrel at the other side of camp and beats the creature to death.)

Kevin: Hey, you hurt him! I was gonna call him Buddy and take him home.
Sylvia: Well, I guess now we can eat some meat for supper. Finally.

(Kevin starts crying)

Will: Sorry, Kevin, but it was going to hurt Lora if we didn’t get him first. Now that he’s dead. He can help us out by being food. It is a very noble act, you know, giving up your life for another.


Kevin: Huh? Oh, yeah. But I’m not gonna eat him..

Jeff: You may recognize this ship. It’s the same one that judged the Signal challenge a few weeks back.

Amanda: (muttering) I guess Newfoundland is too cheap for two boats.


Jeff: Say what?


Amanda: Um…So I guess we get to meet the captain?

(Suddenly, from behind a junkpile on the deck, the same bearded, poorly-dressed little man from episode 5 walks out to greet the Survivors.)

Man: (sticks out filthy hand) Nice to meet you. I’m Tony Caker, the captain of this here, the finest vessel in Newfie waters.

(Amanda shakes her head. Kris chuckles lightly. Tony disappears behind the browned glass windows of the cabin, and the boat starts moving. After a while, it beaches on a small uninhabited island)

Jeff:  Guys, welcome to our little home away from home. Tony here has invited us to use his own home for this reward. If you'll follow me, I'll take you to the house.

(Jeff leads Amanda and Dan onto the island. Down a small path is a little dirty shack, with smoke rising from a makeshift chimney. A small generator is running outside. The welcome mat reads “i dont want it, idiot”

Jeff:  The house itself is not electrified, so we had to install a temporary generator to power the TV. Other than that, it has all the conveniences of a modern home. (mumbling to self) That’s what Burnett told me, anyway.

(Kris and Amanda walk inside the little shack, to find it is almost bare of furnishings.

A woodstove, two chairs, and a small portable TV are all it contains.)

Jeff:  Have a seat.  We'll have someone unload some food off the boat for you to prepare.


Tony: Nah, I’ll go get it for ‘em. Country hospitality isnt just a american thing, ya know.

(Tony leaves)

Kris:  Can you believe this place?
Amanda:  Yeah, what a dump!
Kris: My sentiments exactly.


(Amanda plops down in a chair. Dust flies out of it, as well as an extremely foul stench.)

Amanda: Oh my gosh! It smells like somebody died in this chair!
Kris: (coughing) That is just nauseating.
Jeff: Well, I’ll leave you two alone to get things done. I’ve gotta go tend to some business (click click).
Kris: I did not need to know that.
Amanda: Well, let’s see whatall games they’ve got for this thing.
Kris: Sounds like a reasonable proposition.

(Kris and Amanda start digging through the pile of games by the TV)

Amanda: “Toader”? “Davie the Dreamweaver”? I’ve never heard of any of these games.
Kris: Well, here’s a few I know something about.

(Kris is holding up a few actually worthwhile games)

I could stand for a round of MarioKart 64.
Amanda:  Agreed.

(Amanda and Kris drop into chairs after firing up the N64.)

Amanda:  I’ve got you now!


Kris: (ecstatic) Ha ha! Bonus points! I do believe I just won that round. Again.


Amanda: I give. How about a round of Perfect Dark? I know a little about that one.

(Amanda clicks in the cartridge, and the game fires up.)

Kris: Should we play a few rounds against each other…


(cut to shots of Kris’ screen turning red, Amanda laughing)

And then play teams against simulations?

(cut to shots of Kris’ screen turning red again)

Kris: Wow. I am just no good at this game. Maybe we should set the sims down to easy.


(cut to more shots of Kris’ screen turning red, Kris extremely exasperated)

Amanda:  Face it, Kris. You got no game.
Kris: Evidently. I just am not capable of winning.
Kris:: (Narrating) Well, I smashed Amanda at the races, but when it came to the killing game, I got killed myself. Repeatedly. I am starting to not like video games.


Amanda: (Narrating) Smashing Kris at Perfect Dark was actually pretty fun. I guess I can see why people like these games so much. But the food they had for us was just plain gross. Even worse that we had at Michael’s Bar..


(Shot of Kris and Amanda picking at what resembles a cow’s cud,

on a plate beside some blackened meat smothered with a greenish, steaming sauce.)

Jeff:  So, how was your gaming hour? And how was the meal? If you all are done here, I’ll drive you on to the hotel. Amanda, just for fun, we’ve checked you into the same room as last time.
Amanda:  I hope Kris is a better roommate than Dan. That was just horrible!
Jeff:  That's what I hear. Well, off we go.


(Jeff leads Kris and Amanda to the boat. They dock at the mainland, and Jeff drives to a nasty hotel in the slums. The van’s hubcaps are pulled off at a stop sign, as Jeff tips a homeless man for washing the windshield. Finally, they find a parking spot off a dark alley.)


Jeff: Where are the hubcaps? I thought we had nice caps on this van.
. .

(Jeff leads Dan and Amanda into the same squallid inn. Again, several rats flee as they're

taken to their room.  The room still has two beds and a phone)


Jeff:  I'll see you two in the morning.

(Jeff leaves.  Kris and Amanda sit in silence for a moment)

Kris: Well, I guess I’ll sleep over here.
Amanda:  Yeah, I call this bed.

(Kris and Amanda lay it their beds, shortly falling asleep. They are woken up the next morning by a phone call from Jeff.)


Jeff: Good morning, Survivors. The van was stolen last night, so we’ll have to take a cab to the dock. I’ll meet you two in the lobby in about five minutes.

Kris:  What did he say?
Amanda: Nothing. We need to be ready in five.

(Amanda crawls back under the covers for another minute, then gets up and heads out.

Kris rises and immediately hits the bathroom, leaving with all the soap he can carry.)

Jeff: I guess you got a good rest. We need to get back to camp now.
. .

(They head out, meeting a cab in front of the hotel)



(The Survivors wake, refreshed and ready for another morning and lousy breakfast.)

Will: I predict chickweed in the near future.


Lora: Well, what else is there? I don’t want to have to be squirrel bait again.
Kevin: I don’t wanna eat squirrel.
Sylvia: Okay, chickweed it is.

(The Gilgamesh pulls up near shore, and Kris and Amanda are thrown overboard.

 As they swim to shore, the Survivors all come out to greet them.)

Lora: So, how was everything?

Kris: Oh, everything went just as would be expected. The house was horrible, the furnishings even worse. The food was diabolical, the hotel downright nauseating. But I did manage to abscond with some soap…

Will: Did you take the towels too?
Kris: No, unfortunately the room was not supplied with any.
Amanda: It was pretty cruddy. We were in the same room as me and Dan last week. But last night the van’s hubcaps got ripped off, and then the van got stolen, so we had to come back in a cab.

Kris:  It was altogether unsettling.
Will:  Sounds like you really got ripped off. I’d say that Big Mark  is really slipping on quality control.
Sylvia: I’m almost glad I didn’t win. We probably ate better than y’all did. Kevin caught a squirrel, and so we ate him. It was hilarious; he was chasing Lora around camp until he met his demise at the hands of Will.
Amanda: So, you ate a squeye-rell, huh?

(Survivors look around in confusion) 


Amanda: Um, never mind. It’s a Canada thing.

(After breakfast, the Survivors disperse for various tasks.)

Will: So, Kris, have you any input on tomorrow’s tribal council? We’re still on the same team, right?


Kris: Yes. We’re still aligned, if that’s what you mean.


(Will appears somewhat skeptical, but continues conversation.)

Will: I was considering dropping Kevin. It might mean the end of us in the game, but then again, it might not. It would certainly be a good twist, which I’ve been trying to produce for a while. It’d break up a lot of connections. Besides, no one would see it coming.


Kris: I don’t know. I’d have to consider the implications of such a move. I won’t decide on anything until I’ve had time to work out how things will turn.

Will:: (Narrating) I don’t know yet if I can trust Kris. I don’t know if he set up the Amanda trip to discuss turning on his alliance. I don’t know what to do at this point, which is definitely not a good thing.


(Wide shot of Kris and Will, walking through a clearing, chatting.)


(Fade into Sylvia and Lora, walking along beach.)

Sylvia: So, just what is your problem with Will? I have my opinions on the subject, I just want to see your perspective.

Lora: I don’t want to talk about it.

Sylvia: Come on, whatever it is, I’m sure I can help you two patch things up.


Lora: I just don’t like how he…I guess I shouldn’t talk about it. You’re allied with him, after all.

Sylvia: It’s okay. I won’t let what you say get out. Consider it a “doctor-patient confidentiality” thing.


Lora: No. I’m not gonna say anything. It’s just that I don’t like the way he’s playing the game. No, I won’t talk.
Sylvia:  Really. Okay. I guess I can’t pressure you.
Lora: Let’s just go do something.

(Pan out on horizon)

Sylvia: (Narrating) I still don’t quite understand the disagreement between Will and Lora. She is trying to convince herself that it’s the game. I still think there’s some hidden feelings in there that are causing the problems between those two. I will not leave this game before I see those two back together.


Amanda: So, you talk with this tree, huh?
Kevin: Uh-huh. He’s really smart. He knows about cars and rockets and fish and everything.


Amanda: Right. So, I guess we need to get some wood for the fire, eh?

Kevin: (walking away) I wanna talk to the tree…



(The Survivors gather for lunch at the campsite.)

Will:  OK, so who got the chickweed? I’ll get the water boiling.
Lora: You just do that.

(Amanda and Kevin return to camp)

Kevin: That is a really cool tree!


Sylvia: Is he still on that whole talking tree thing?


Amanda: Yeah. Well, let’s eat.

(After lunch, the Survivors sit around discussing meals)

Will: You know, yesterday’s supper with that squirrel was pretty good. This meal could have used a little protein.


Amanda: Usually I like a good salad. But after a while, it starts getting pretty aggravating.


Sylvia: Waddya mean? You’ve had two real meals in the last week!


Amanda: I guess you could call it “real” food. It was pretty nasty. Hey, Will, remember that time at Six Flags, when I got that gross salad, and I threw up on the van? That was pretty bad.


Will: Yeah, it was pretty gross.


Lora: I haven’t heard this one. Tell us the story.


Kevin: (Narrating) And then Amanda told us this cool story about how she threw up one time, and then everybody started talking about upchucking, and we got a whole bunch of stories. I told about this one time when I had a cup of fake barf at a movie theatre and I made a sound like I was barfing and I threw it off the balcony and it landed on people and they started throwing up and then everybody started throwing up all over the place… wait, that was from the Goonies… hey, look, a duck. (gets up and walks off) Aflac…Aflac…


(Amanda and Lora are walking over to check the tree mail.)

Amanda: So, Lora, what would you do if I suggested that we try to form an alliance? I’ve been pulling on Kris, and I might get him with us, and maybe Kevin, and we can get rid of Will. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?


Lora: I don’t wanna talk about it.

Amanda: I can see that. I just wanted to see if you were open to the idea.
Lora: Tell you what. If you can guarantee you can get rid of Will or Sylvia, I’ll vote with you.

Amanda: Sounds reasonable. I’ll see what I can do, then gat back to you.

Lora: Okay, you do that. Well, here’s the mail. I don’t think there’s anything in there.
Amanda: Well, I guess we’ll get back to camp..

(Amanda and Lora return to camp)

Sylvia: No mail today?
Amanda:  Not yet, at least.
Sylvia:  Huh. That’s strange.
Amanda:  Yeah, I thought so. .

(Suddenly, a Neanderthal, Yoda, a Mexican and a small, grey sluglike creature

walk across the campsite, escorted by Satan.)


Neanderthal: Sorry, just wanted a cameo.

Amanda: That’s not even funny, guys.
Satan: We were just overseeing the work of my associates in this game. We shall be right out of your way. Oh, by the way, give my regards to Kris.


Kevin: (pointing in to forest) Hey look, a monkey!


Amanda: Huh? Where?


Kevin: (still pointing) Right there, on the left of the screen.


Amanda: Never mind. I’ve already read that post.

Will: This is hilarious!


Amanda: (Narrating) The stupid writer of this episode decided to stick a bunch of lousy message board references into the action somewhere, and the responsibility of carrying them fell on me. Thanks a lot! It wasn’t even funny.


Will: (Narrating) A bunch of the guys just walked across the set. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen, except that other, slightly funnier thing. I just wonder where Six Gun went. He probably got lost. Hah! Six Gun? That guy’s a dweeb!


Lora: Say, do you hear something singing? It sounds like a cheesy 80’s song or something.


(Jeff comes running in to the middle of camp, from somewhere offscreen)


Will: Greetings, Anal.  Say, was all that authorized by Burnett?


Jeff: What you just saw is to remain classified. It was an unauthorized display, and you are not to tell of any of it to anyone. Please, if you all will come with me, we’ll go ahead with the Immunity Challenge, and get all that weird stuff out of your minds.


Will: What? You mean we don’t have to read some lousy poem that tells us when to meet, and gives a vague though accurate description of the unknown challenge?


Jeff: Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. Now let’s get going.


Immunity Challenge – Log for Loss or Life 

(Shots of a row of large trees, bare of branches, planted about twenty feet apart from each other,

and a stump with six axes stuck in to it’s top. The Survivors enter and meet Jeff)

Jeff: First things first, as always.  Give me that necklace back. And don’t call me Anal.

(Will hands Jeff the Immunity Necklace)


Jeff: Thank you.


Will: No sweat, Anal.

Jeff:  Immunity, back up for grabs. OK, for today's immunity challenge, we're going to have a battle on the field of one of Canada’s greatest traditions: lumberjacking. The concept is very simple. Over there we have a set of trees, one for each of you. When I say go, you will all grab an axe and start chopping at your tree. The first person who fells their timber, wins immunity. Take your spots, wait for my go.

(The Survivors all line up)

 Jeff:  Survivors ready?  Go.

(The Survivors all run for the stump, Will and Amanda reaching it first, and grabbing axes. Following is Sylvia, and then Lora and Kris. Kevin walks right up to his tree. He spots a squirrel running down it, and jumping into a hole at it’s roots. The rest of the survivors, upon reaching their trees, immediately start hacking into them.)

Jeff:  Come on, guys.

Will: These axes are incredibly dull. That’s pretty cheap. Making us work so long. This isn’t the endurance challenge!

Jeff: Yeah, just deal with it. We wanted plenty of footage to edit around with.

(Will starts chopping again. He’s made pretty good headway. The other Survivors haven’t chopped quite as briskly, but are still knocking it away. Kevin, though, has begun to dig around the squirrel’s hole, and is using his axe as a shovel, also snapping roots. His tree begins to groan.)

Jeff: Looks like Kevin’s making more headway from underneath!


(Amanda and Kris glance over, then return to chopping. Will is almost through. Suddenly, Kevin gives a shout.).


Kevin: Hah, I’ve got you.

Jeff:  Huh? Oh, nice squirrel, Kevin.

(Kevin leans against his tree, and it starts to pop. It slowly tips, as the roots snap, and hits the ground just as Will delivers the final blow on his own tree.)

Kevin:  Woa-oh!!!

(The Survivors all drop their axes in amazement at the scene.

Kevin gives a big shrug as all their jaws drop.)

Jeff: (laughing) Kevin, it appears that, by some freak accident, you have won immunity.

Kevin: Cool..


(Kevin drops the squirrel and approaches Jeff, who places the necklace around his neck)

Jeff:  Well, Kevin, you cannot be voted out at Tribal Council tonight. You can head back to camp.  I'll see you tomorrow at Tribal Council.

(Everyone congratulates Kevin as they walk out)



(The Survivors all stroll around, strategizing in small groups)


Will: (Narrating) I can’t believe Kevin won immunity. Well, I guess my planned twist will just have to wait. I will have to meet with Kris and Sylvia to decide on how to vote tonight.

(Amanda pulls Lora to the side to talk to her)


Amanda: (whispers) Well, if you help me turn Kevin, I think we can get rid of Will.
Lora: Yeah...Okay. I’ll go find him. But if this doesn’t work out, you know one of us will probably be leaving, right?
Amanda.  Yeah. It’s risky, but it’s all we got. I hope it doesn’t come down to a tie. But I think I got something going.

(Lora leaves Amanda to find Kevin)

Lora: Hey, Kev-o. So, who tells you to vote?

Kevin: Huh? Oh, Kris tells me.
Lora: If I asked you to vote for someone, would you do it?
Kevin: Um, I guess. Yeah.
Lora: Okay. Just before we leave, Amanda and I will tell you who to vote for.
Kevin: Okay.
Lora: Now, you got to promise not to tell anyone that I asked you, okay?
Kevin: Okay. I gotta go.
Amanda: (Narrating) Well, Lora got Kevin. I guess this thing might happen after all…

(Will gathers with Kris and Sylvia)

Will: So, I was planning to oust Kevin, but we can’t now.
Kris: So, who do you suggest we vote for?

Sylvia: How about Amanda?
Will: I was considering it. I guess we only have Lora and her to choose from.


Sylvia: I still want to patch things up between you two, so I suggest we keep Lora around a little while longer.
Will: Well then, Amanda it is.
Kris: Agreed.
Will: You sure you’re okay with that, even after all that bonding you two did yesterday?

Kris: Are you questioning my loyalty? I’m insulted, Will. Of course, I’m with you all the way..


(The group disperses, to arrive back at the camp for supper.)

Amanda: (Narrating) I certainly hope things go as planned tonight. I look forward to letting Will know that he’s not the only schemer in this tribe. If it fails, I’m sure I’m out, but if it works, there’ll be a major power shift in my favor…

(Before long, the sun sets.  The Survivors pack their torches and head for Tribal Council)

Tribal Council # 11

(The Survivors enter)

Jeff:  We'll now bring in the jury.

(Brian, Melissa and Dan enter, watching the remaining Survivors)

Jeff:  The jury’s here merely to observe.  They aren’t allowed to speak to you, and you shouldn’t  speak to them.  Well, we're 33 days in.  That's over a month you've been out here, living by yourselves.  Kris, what's that been doing to your mental state?
Kris: Well, it’s been fairly tough, trying to follow the twists of this game. It’s been difficult to keep occupied, and entertained, with only the same few people to converse with.
Jeff: (Nods condescendingly) Amanda, how have you been holding up out here, with only vegetables to eat, with the occasional lucky supplement?
Amanda: My diet mainly consists of lettuce and water anyway, so it hasn’t been that difficult. But there’s a big difference between fresh iceberg and boiled chickweed.
Jeff: Right. Kevin, how did you like winning immunity today?
Kevin: It was cool, man. I was just getting this squirrel, and then the tree fell over. I’m just glad it wasn’t that other tree. I would have felt like a murderer.
Jeff: How so?

Kris: The tree talks to me. If I had killed him, then, well, um… he’d be dead. You know.

Jeff: Sylvia, how strongly do you depend on other people out here?
Sylvia: Well, I generally have been fairly self-sufficient out here, or could be. Everyone helps each other out, though. Everyone gets food, we all help clean up. It’s a good group.
Jeff:  Will, how sure are you of your alliances at this point in the game?

Will: Well, I try to keep a fairly tight group. Our lines are drawn, and I’m fairly sure that we’ll hold. I’m not gonna give out any names, but I think we’ll be the final four.
Jeff:  All right, it's time to vote.  You cannot vote for Kevin.  Everybody else is fair game.  Will, you're up first.

(Will walks up to the voting confessional and votes for Amanda.)

Will: It’s not how I had planned originally, but it’s time for you to go after all.


(Sylvia's next, followed by Amanda.  She votes for Will)

Amanda:  Will, I know you're just playing the game, but your time is up.


(Kevin's up next, followed by Lora, who writes down her vote. We don’t see it.)

Lora: Well, I hope this works..

(Finally, Kris votes.  We don't see it)

Kris: (smiles evilly) I'm baaack. Again.

(Kris returns)

Jeff:  I'll go tally the votes.

(Jeff returns with the voting canister)

Jeff:  Once the votes are read, the decision is final.  The person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately.  First vote:






. .
That's two votes Will, one vote Amanda.



(Will looks worried, Amanda is slightly nervous)





That's three votes Will, two votes Amanda.  The final vote:











Will, I need you to bring me your torch.
Will:  (Extremely aggravated) What? This is impossible!


(Will grabs his torch and approaches Jeff)

Jeff:  Will, the tribe has spoken.  (Snuffs her torch)  It's time for you to go.
Will: (Angry) OK.  Well, I guess that’s it.


(Will exits. Sylvia looks extremely unsettled,

while Lora and Amanda sit confidently)

Jeff:  Well, this just goes to show that you can never really know how you stand in this game.  You're coasting along, thinking you're sitting pretty, and then, your alliance falls apart and I'm snuffing your torch. I can't wait to see what's gonna happen next.  You guys can head back to camp.  I'll see you tomorrow.

(The Survivors exit)   

Will's Final Words:  Well, this was completely unforeseen. I guess I let my power get to my head. I thought I ruled the alliance, but it turned on me. I didn’t see it. But I guess, may the best man win. Evidently it wasn’t me, or I’d still be there. I’m part of the jury now, so I’m anxious to see how the rest will play out without me. Oh, and P.S., I’m just glad this isn’t the real episode, because this one sure was different.

Voting Record

Amanda:  Will

Will:  Amanda

Kris:  Will

Lora:  Will

Sylvia:  Amanda

Kevin:  Will

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